Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Holiday Challange from Crunchy Chicken

So... I am challenging you all to a challenge that I have been challeged to via the blog Crunchy Chicken

Here's the info:

Well, the goal of the challenge is to have you do one or more of the following:

  • hand-make your gifts

  • buy your gifts that are handmade by someone else (like from Etsy or a local craftsperson)

  • buy it used either at a thrift store, yard sale, Craigslist or Freecycle, etc.

  • barter for your gifts

    Giving you all these choices allows that you can still get products for gifts if you don't know necessarily what to make, but you aren't contributing to new purchases and all the environmental impact associated with that. Now, I know this is a HUGE chunk to bite off, so I'm going to let you be flexible about it. Some of you might try to shoot for 100% Buy Hand and some will choose to buy certain objects they know they can't get away with otherwise.

  • If you want to take the challenge, cruise on over to Crunchy Chicken and sign up in the comments.  You can also click on the banner I have on the side bar or just leave me a comment and I'll pass along your infomation.

    Good luck!

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