Tuesday, April 6, 2010

Easy Green Tip

Did you know that you can use almost 30% less printer ink just by changing your font? (Of course going paper-less all together is better)

Which of these sentences would use less ink if they were printed?

Which of these sentences would use less ink if they were printed?

If you chose the second one, you'd be right.  NPR's All Things Considered aired a story this afternoon about how the University of Wisconsin is saving THOUSANDS of dollars simply because they changed the default font on their email system from Arial  to Century Gothic.  You can listen to the story here  (it's only about three minutes long)

My work prints a lot of paper everyday so hopefully they will take this serious and at least look into it. The only other thing is that you may want to change the font size to 11 (from 12) in order to prevent items being pushed to a second page because century gothic is a tad bit wider font.

The best part about this simple change...it doesn't cost anything to do!


Lori said...

I also heard but haven't tried it yet, that if you set your printer to gray or charcoal it still prints dark but uses less ink.

Unknown said...

this is an awesome tip! i'm totally going to use this at work. thanks for sharing!