Thursday, February 17, 2011

Straight Razor

Image from here
I think I'm finally ready to make the switch.  For the past few years I've really been bothered each time that I throw away a disposable razor.  We tend to use the mid price razor so I get a few good shaves on it but most of the time, it rips my face apart.  It's gotten to the point where I only shave in the mornings if I know the razor is still new, otherwise, I shave at night so my face has time to heal before the morning.

  I've thought about using a straight razor for some now but I guess I've been a little afraid to try it because I don't want to accidentally slit my throat.  I've gotten over my nervousness and I'm ready to give it a try.  Last night I read a great article on Mother Earth News simply titled, "How to use a straight razor."
The above article gives a good overview of how to shave with a straight razor, what to look for when buying a razor, and how advice on sharping storing the new razor.

I want to use a straight razor because I am tired of throwing away the disposable razor all the time.  I'm thinking that once I learn how to use the razor, it will be a win-win for me and the environment.

Let the search began!

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