Sunday, October 31, 2010

Hand Powered Espresso Maker for the Home

In case you don't know, I love Americanos.  An Americano is simply hot water added to espresso, usually 1 shot per 8oz of water.  For the past year or so I have stuck (mostly) to my pledge of not drinking coffee from a disposable cup.  This means that if I am out and about and I want a cup of coffee but I don't have my own cup with me...I'm out of luck.

Each morning, I hand grind my own coffee beans (Blind Dog Coffee - a local fair trade, organic, coffee roaster.) and then use my French Press to make my morning cup of joe.  I love making coffee this way because of the low energy impact...just enough to boil the water. 

However, some mornings I really want an Americano but I have no way to make one at home.  I really don't want to buy some huge power hungry machine so I've been searching for some sort of hand powered espresso maker...

The first espresso maker I found was the: Handpresso Handheld Portable Espresso Machine.

This seemed like a great little machine and I loved he fact that it was portable...hello camping espresso!  The downside I found to this device is that you can't use your own espresso, you have to use those little espresso pods that just get thrown away... No thanks.  Price is about $135 (price is in British pounds)

Then this morning I came across: the Presso Espresso Maker
I love this espresso maker!  Everything is hand powered like my french press and the best part is that you can use your own espresso.  This also comes with a double shot maker attachment so with this machine, I would be all set to make my own Americanos!   Price - $150

While $150 is a bit much, I think it would pay for itself within the first year.  Plus the whole thing is recyclable. 

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