Monday, February 9, 2009

Monday Morning

Today is the start of a new work week. There is a lot of pressure on poor little Monday. A good Monday will start the week of great but a bad one could take out Tuesday and Wednesday without a second thought.

I am looking forward to going back to work today and moving on from this weekend. This weekend was full of ups and downs. We were going to move some friends into their new house but once again, that has been put off till next weekend. My little sitter (20) had a baby girl and is starting to realize that maybe having a kid is not a fun as she thought it would be. My best and his girlfriend lost their baby girl when for some reason mom went into labor four months early. And my wife and I got into a pretty good fight.

I wish that there was something that I could do for my friend. He is the most loyal person and nicest guy you would ever meet and my heart hurts for him. I love you man.

The big planned events for this week are that my wife has two nursing tests this week, I am taking the cat to the vet, and I have a doctors appointment on Thursday with the VA. Wish us luck.

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