Sunday, February 22, 2009

Craig's Helper

So the wife and I are again searching for a VW Popup Bus. I was getting a little tired of searching each and every city's Craigslist so I decided to use the google to help with our search.

This is how I stumbled upon...Craig's Helper
I tried to include the widget in this blog but I don't think the java on his website is correct. Oh well, I guess you will just have to use the link.

*Update* If you read the comments on this post, you will notice that I was contacted by Craig's helper and we are trying to get the widget to work. Now I really recommend you check the link above and support this great service!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hi, Nathan here, from

I'd be happy to help with inclusion of the widget (and would certainly like to know if it has a problem). What problem did you have with the Javascript exactly (I assume you meant JS, not Java).

Regardless, glad you like the site! :)
